Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh yeah...

--Layer One: On the Outside
Name:: Felicia

Birthday:: April 19, 1991
School:: Indiana University
Major:: Music Education- Harp
Minor:: Horn Performance??
Current Location:: basement
Hair Color:: dirty blonde
Eye Color:: brown
Righty or Lefty:: righty
Zodiac Sign:: aries

--Layer Two: On the Inside
Your Heritage:: polish and such
Weakness:: baby animals
Goals:: finish college
Regrets:: I don't like to linger on the past, it distracts from the NOW! <3
Change one thing about your life: My bitter sarcasm
Relieve Stress: coloring
Hardest thing ever dealt with:: right now
Things that upsets you:: people mistreating me when I in no way deserve it
Vent about something:: no thank you

--Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up:: hello sun
Your bedtime:: whenever I feel like it
Your most missed memory:: dunno

--Layer Four: You're picking
Pepsi or Coke:: coke
McDonald's or Burger King:: McD's
Single or Group dates:: I don't know either
Lipton Tea or Nestea?: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla:: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:: neither

--Layer Five: Do You
Do Drugs:: nope
Have a crush:: yes
Think you've been in love:: idk
Want to get married:: i guess
Believe in yourself:: not often
Think you're a health freak:: no

--Layer Six: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol:: no
Gone to the mall:: yes
Eaten Sushi:: nope
Gone skating:: nope
Dyed your hair:: nope
Done something exciting:: i suppose

--Layer Seven: Have You Ever
Played a stripping game:: No
Gotten beaten up:: No
Changed who you were to fit in:: no
Hid something from someone:: yes

--Layer Eight: Getting Old
Age you're hoping to be married:: whenever
Age to start having children:: after marriage
Want to travel to:: places away from here

--Layer Nine: Perfect Mate
Best Eye Color:: whatever works
Best Hair Color:: whatevers
Short or Long Hair:: short

--Layer Ten: What were you doing...
1 minute ago:: watching tv
1 hour ago:: driving home
1 day ago:: sizing ppl for uniforms at QO
1 year ago:: getting ready for senior prom

--Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I LOVE:: showers
I FEEL:: lonely
I HATE:: being so cynical 
I MISS:: indiana
I NEED:: this house to sell!!!